There are no specific research studies looking at the weight loss effects of the steak and egg diet. There are anectodical reports from people suggesting they have lost weight following this diet, but there is no specific research suggesting only eating steak and eggs is superior for weight loss.
There is not a shortage of food specific diets promising weight loss: the cabbage soup diet, the banana diet, steak and eggs diet are all examples. Any diet that limits food intake to one or two foods should only be followed for a short time because it is imbalanced.
The steal and eggs diet consist of eating steak and eggs for two meals a day with the option to cook the eggs in butter. This diet is like a typical low carbohydrate diet which does not count calories but allows for eating a higher amount of fat.
Why would you follow a diet that only allows you to eat steak and eggs? Proponents of this diet suggest it can provide quick weight loss. Like other low carbohydrate diets, this diet may promote the body using more fat as a primary fuel source.
However, following this diet will not provide significant antioxidants, fiber and a variety of vitamins and minerals.
Short term benefits of following a low carbohydrate diet can be weight loss and possible heart health benefits. However, safety for following a low carbohydrate diet long term is not known.
What is the steak and eggs diet?
The steak and egg diet is thought to have originated from competitive body builder Vince Gironda.
The outline of the diet is pretty simple: you can eat pretty much as many eggs and steak as you want in a meal and eat this meal twice a day.
There are no other foods, besides cooking in butter, allowed for the diet. You only eat twice a day.
Every fifth day is considered a “cheat” day where you can whatever you want.
You do not need to count calories on this diet plan which is similar to other low carbohydrate diets.
Steaks and eggs contain virtually zero carbohydrates, so all the energy is coming from fat and protein.
Unlike other low calorie diets, eating high amounts of fat and protein can lower appetite which means you probably won’t feel hungry following this type of diet.
Does the steak and eggs diet work for weight loss?
There are no specific research studies looking at the weight loss effects of the steak and egg diet. There are anectodical reports from people suggesting they have lost weight following this diet, but there is no specific research suggesting only eating steak and eggs is superior for weight loss.
Any ketogenic or other low carbohydrate diet suggests you can eat other types of high fat or protein foods not just limited to steak and eggs.
A 2014 study (1) examined the effects of a low carbohydrate diet (<40 grams per day) compared with a low fat diet (<30% calories from fat) on body weight and cardiovascular risk factors.
Study participants followed the diet for 12 months. Researchers found after 12 months the low carb group had significantly more weight loss, lower triglycerides and higher HDL cholesterol.
Harvard Health (2) suggests there is evidence from research studies that following a low carbohydrate diet can provide faster weight loss compared to a more traditional low fat diet.
However, over time, the weight loss gains from a low carbohydrate diet can fade.
Red meat and health
One concern with following the steak and egg diet is the relatively high intake of red meat. Red meat is a known source of saturated fat.
While recent research has questioned the negative effect saturated fat has on health, there may be other reasons to limit intake of processed and red meats.
A 2017 review (3) analyzed meat intake and stroke risk. Researchers found higher total, red and processed meat intake is associated with an increased risk of stroke, but a higher intake of white meat was associated with a lowered risk of stroke.
Eating a high intake of red meat may also increase risk for colorectal cancer. The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) recommends limiting total red meat intake to no more than 18 ounces per week.
Following the steak and eggs diet can greatly exceed this recommendation for red meat intake. Just one meal following the steak and eggs diet can provide about 1 pound of red meat intake.
Conclusion: Is the steak and eggs diet safe?
Following any diet that advocates for only eating one or two foods shouldn’t be sustained long term. Even though beef and eggs provide many nutrients, they also lack many key nutrients like fiber, antioxidants, some vitamins and minerals.
Therefore, following a steak and egg diet long term may cause inadequate nutritional intake. Some argue the cheat day can be a way to get more variety of nutrients in your diet.
However, on your cheat day you would need to load up on fruits, vegetables and other high nutrient dense foods.
If you may be prone to binging on junk food on the cheat days, your diet would still be lacking in many nutrients.
Short term low carbohydrate diets are generally safe for most people. However, before starting a low carb/keto diet, you should consult your healthcare team.
Certain health conditions, like kidney issues, may not benefit from following a low carb diet approach that is higher in fat and protein. More long term research is needed on very low carbohydrate diets.
While a ketogenic or low carbohydrate diet may provide greater weight loss results, it can be hard to sustain long term especially if it is highly restrictive like the steak and eggs diet.
Once you incorporate a more liberalized diet, regaining weight can be common.
Harvard Health suggests yo-yo diets that result in rapid weight fluctuations are associated with increased mortality.
Embracing sustainable diet changes that are healthy to maintain, like a diet high in fruits and vegetables, is recommended for long term health benefits.