People think working from home is so much fun. After all you can sleep in instead of spending time commuting. You never have to get out of your PJ because no one cares if your pink top matches your yellow slippers.
You always have it your way when discussing priorities on the to-do list with your cat. And the UPS deliveryman never gets to leave a “Sorry we missed you” note on your door. Perfectionism including a full pantry close by. Awesome, right?
Not so much! Working from home actually needs more discipline in getting work done and ignoring the cool salesman Mr. Frigidaire humming away the “Look what treats I’ve in store” song in the kitchen.
Weight gain may be inevitable when working from home
Weight gain may be inevitable when working from home. Because sometimes we just feel like that a visit to Mr. Frigidaire will spark our intellectual power. Or inspire our creative brain cells. Or is it simply his charisma? So we go and see what he has to offer.
How to prevent weight gain when working from home
So here are some tips on how to deal with the attractiveness of Mr. Frigidaire and prevent weight gain when working from home.
Tip 1: If your brain needs a smack don’t ask Mr. Frigidaire for help
When I’m stuck and my thoughts simply won’t transform into clear words onto my laptop screen my autopilot takes over and steers me into the kitchen, right into Mr. Frigidaire arms. Usually the combination of soft cheese, pear jam paired with sprayed nozzle whipped coconut caters more to sticky fingers than sticky phrases.
However, the short walk into the kitchen and the chewing motion of our jaw improves oxygen flow to the brain. Thanks to gravity blood gets pooled into our lower body when sitting for too long. And who needs blood flow to the bum when trying to work the brain?
To spark your brain without munching away on treats, get up and walk. Surprise your cat with a visit. Do some dusting while brainstorming. Get the garbage to the recycling room. Sing and dance along with your favorite song – but only one otherwise this will get out of hand and will become a mixed tape.
When you come back to your desk you will see that this was almost as good as giving in to Mr. Coolman’s temptations.
Tip 2: When doing phone calls watch what you are doing
This one always surprises me. When I’m on the phone I like to walk around, which is great – so we just learnt. However, my unconscious seems to take advantage of the busy signal from my conscious. So when I hang up the phone I find my free hand in a bowl of nuts, crackers or whatever is easy to eat with one hand.
So what can we do? This is a tricky one. Maybe strapping the running bottle around our free hand? Taking notes of the phone conversation? Maybe putting a motion detector on Mr. Frigidaire?
Tip 3: Mr. Frigidaire can’t have any tempting foods
This is probably the best self-help strategy. What isn’t there can’t be eaten, consciously or unconsciously, and obviously won’t contribute to weight gain.
Don’t have a stack of candy or chocolate bars sitting anywhere. Definitely not in your desk. And of course replace calorie bombs with some healthy low calorie vegetables like glorious celery and carrots. This advice never gets old. Crunchy seaweed chips would do it too.
Tip 4: Set clear rules with Mr. Frigidaire
Relationships need rules. One expression of love is to give each other some self-time and some couple time. So schedule times when you can see him and stick to it.
This is me trying to talk you into making a meal plan. Did it work?
Tip 5: Work out first thing in the morning
Working out first thing in the morning has shown to be beneficial in multiple ways. It regulates appetite during the day. It gives your brain a jump-start so you can concentrate better during the day. It burns calories. It will give you a sense of accomplishment throughout the day as well. What is there not to like?
You don’t have to join the early bird cross fit class. Just pop in a workout DVD and follow the instructions.
Tip 6: Train your body while you work
Unless you’re investing in a treadmill desk, chances are not very high that you’ll burn a lot of calories while working at your desk. But you still can sneak in some body forming exercise.
Office chairs are great for office chair races but only if the cat is around as a competitor … And I hear Mr. Frigidaire is very conservative in regards to working out at work.
However, sitting for too long dehydrates your butt and fascia, which can lead to pain anywhere in your body and yes, the cottage cheese appearance that no one likes, called cellulite.
Swap your desk chair for a standing desk. You could also stack old telephone books onto the kitchen counter if you don’t want to invest the money. You could also spend last month’s bonus on a stability ball as a sitting alternative. This also gives you the option to bounce around and train your legs. But make sure your home office is stability ball approved or check your office furniture warranties.
Tip 7: Take breaks and take the work outside
The last tip is to remind you that our brain deserves some breaks too. Unless you have a very creative streak going, get yourself outside and breathe in something more refreshing than apartment air. A change of location can spark some new ways of thinking.
Don’t let a do-to list stress you out. You can’t force inspiration. Once you let go of pressure, the ideas will come and the cat too.
Well, after finishing this article I guess I deserve a treat now. Talk to you soon. Will have a chat with Mr. Frigidaire now.