Dropping a dress size can be tough, especially if your goal is 2 weeks. How many pounds does it take to drop a dress size? Everyone is a little different, but in general losing about 10 pounds should get you into a smaller dress size.
Is it possible to drop a dress size in 2 weeks? It may or may not be possible, and it will take a lot of hard work and dedication. Remember, even if you don’t lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks, you may still fit into a smaller dress size.
Whenever you are wanting to lose weight, remember to keep your overall health a priority. Compromising health just to get into a smaller dress is not worth it. Here are some healthy, practical tips if you’re trying to drop a dress size in 2 weeks.
Cut out the processed foods
In order to reach the goal of losing 10 pounds in 2 weeks, or 5 pounds a week, food intake will need a drastic over haul. Avoid the temptation or urge that you need to starve yourself for 2 weeks. While starving yourself may help lose weight, in the long run it could sabotage long term weight loss efforts.
Instead of starving yourself, focus on cleaning up your food intake. If you’re serious about losing weight, cut out all junk food (candy, sweets, chips or other processed snack foods). Cut out sweetened beverages and excess alcohol intake.
Cutting out processed foods like canned soups, frozen dinners or pre-packaged foods can also be beneficial for weight loss because this will help lower sodium intake. Getting too much sodium can increase water weight and bloating.
Increase fruits, vegetables and proteins
So what should you eat while trying to drop a dress size? Since you’re trying to lose a significant amount of weight in a short time period, focus on eating lots of veggies, fruits, legumes and lean proteins.
Examples of lean protein include low fat meats, grass fed beef, tofu, low fat dairy and beans. Don’t forget healthy fats, like nuts, avocados, dairy and whole grains should still be included too.
Loading up on produce, lean proteins and healthy fats will fill you up without packing on the pounds. Remember to eat balanced meals- with fiber rich carbohydrates (fruits, veggies, whole grains), protein and fat to steady blood sugar levels.
Portion Sizes
Cutting portion sizes is natural when trying to lose weight. However, by focusing on fueling up with high nutrient, low calorie foods, as mentioned above, calories will naturally lower. Try taking smaller portions in general, but avoid feeling hungry all day.
Some research indicates that cutting portions by about 20% will lower calorie intake without drastically noticing.
Increase exercise
In order to meet your weight goals in two weeks, the other important focal point besides diet is increasing calorie expenditure. Working out 30 minutes a day probably won’t cut it for dropping a dress size in 2 weeks. Again, everyone is different but trying getting about 90-120 minutes of exercise per day.
A combination of cardio or aerobic exercise with strength training will help ensure you are losing fat mass and keeping as much lean mass as possible. Vary workout intensities so you are getting high calorie burns some days, and other days when doing moderate exercise you are utilizing fat more as a fuel.
You should also try to get other unplanned exercise in through the day, which can include things like house cleaning, walking/biking instead of driving, using the stairs instead of the elevator and avoid sitting for long periods of time. See also: How Much Exercise Is Enough to lose weight?
Increase water intake
Staying hydrated during weight loss is important. Drink enough fluids per day that your urine is clear to very pale yellow. Focus on drinking primarily water, teas or water flavored with fruits or herbs. Limit diet sodas or other fluids with empty calories.
Avoid weight loss supplements
A lot supplements promise drastic weight loss, in 2 weeks, and may seem like a quick solution for wanting to drop a dress size fairly quickly. However, the efficacy and safety of these products are not well regulated, and most of the time they are money suckers.
Nourishing your body while losing weight is important, and relying primarily on any supplement instead of proper nutrition and diet is not a comparison.
Will you reach your goals?
Will you reach your goal of dropping a dress size in two weeks? You may or may not; you will no doubt lose weight it’s just a matter of how much. There are individual variances, genetics, hormones and other things that need to be taken into account during weight loss.
Even if you don’t reach your weight “goal” by following these practical tips, you will be living a healthy life style that is sustainable long term.